Product Manager & UI/UX Designer

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Full Remote
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Part Time
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Change the future with Electe: together, we are revolutionizing the world of data!

As Product Manager & UI/UX Designer, you will be responsible for managing product strategies and designing user interfaces. You will collaborate with product development, marketing, and sales teams to define the product roadmap and create intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user experiences. You will be responsible for user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, and conducting usability testing to ensure our products are functional and user-friendly. We are looking for a candidate with strong experience in both product management and UI/UX design, with a passion for creating products that customers love.

Benefits and advantages of working for Electe

  • Creativity and Innovation: Freedom to innovate and express your creativity in designing intuitive and aesthetically pleasing user interfaces.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Opportunities to work closely with different teams, including engineering, marketing, and customer service, providing a holistic view of the product development process.
  • User-Centered Design: Direct involvement in user research, enabling the development of empathy and a deep understanding of user needs.
  • Flexible Work Environment: The opportunity to work remotely or with flexible hours, providing a balance between work and personal life.
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